Thursday, November 24, 2016

Mark's History Nov 28 - Dec 2

Period 2 (CHC2P1)

Days 1 & 2

Please show Polytechnique (film).  It is 76 minutes so about one period however it needs to be stopped many times to discuss what is going on in the film.  It should actually take almost two periods to show/discuss/debrief the film.  (Montreal massacre)   We have already spent two days on Women's Rights in Canada so they have a lot of background information already.

Days 3, 4, 5
Continue work on Human Rights Assignment - ALL students have started this and should have already completed their work on Japanese Internment Camps and Residential Schools.

Now they are to work on this assignment with the topic of Women's Rights in Canada.  They have the previous presentations/notes that they did on this last week PLUS they can look up and confirm information on the various topics of Women's Rights in Canada.  Some sources include:

Short timeline of Women's Rights in Canada
Early Women's Movements in Canada up to 1960
Women's Movements in Canada 1960 - 1985
Women's Movements in Canada 1985 - present

Please focus on the student's written work, answering the two paragraph questions on their assignment.

Please review with each student their previous work on Japanese Internment Camps and Residential Schools.  They should have two well developed paragraphs for each of these topics (Japanese Internment Camps, Residential Schools, Women's Rights.


Period 5 (CHC2D1)

Days 1 & 2

Please give students these 1 1/2 days to complete their work on Residential Schools on their big Human Rights Assignment.  

Students to "Make a Copy" of this slide on  Women's Rights History in Canada and then spend rest of Day 2 and first 15 mins of Day 3 prepping their slide.

Here are the assigned topics.

Then Present to the Class (they know how to use the technology to do this).  Please help them run discussions - most important is the discussion part for each slide.

Days 4, 5

Please show Polytechnique (film).  It is 76 minutes so about one period however it needs to be stopped many times to discuss what is going on in the film.  It should actually take almost two periods to show/discuss/debrief the film.  (Montreal massacre)

Continue work on Human Rights Assignment - ALL students have started this and should have already completed their work on Japanese Internment Camps and Residential Schools.

Now they are to work on this assignment with the topic of Women's Rights in Canada.  They have the previous presentations/notes that they did on this last week PLUS they can look up and confirm information on the various topics of Women's Rights in Canada.  Some sources include:

Short timeline of Women's Rights in Canada
Early Women's Movements in Canada up to 1960
Women's Movements in Canada 1960 - 1985
Women's Movements in Canada 1985 - present

Please focus on the student's written work, answering the two paragraph questions on their assignment.

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